Nudie’s Pie Run 2021

On Saturday 17th April 2021, members of the community gathered at the Goulburn Showgrounds, to pay tribute to Greg ‘Nudie’ Stephenson, who sadly passed away 12 months ago.
Many of Nudie’s friends, family & colleagues came together for a morning of conversation and pie-eating (a beloved Nudie favourite), before commencing a commemorative bike and vehicle run to the Araluen Valley Hotel.
Those that didn’t share in Nudie’s love for bikes, still presented in force on the morning to enjoy a good feed and even better company! With the ongoing impact of COVID-19, it was fantastic to see people gather again, & enjoy the healing power of social interaction.
Nudie was a beloved long-time member, & past President of The Convoy. The wish of the Stephenson Family was that all monies raised be donated to the charity, that Nudie had selflessly given so much of his time to over the years.
The generous support from the community saw the event raise $3200 in donations. This achievement would not have been possible, without the effort of many.
With special thanks and appreciation to Andrew Doherty & the Stephenson Family for organising the event; to the committee members who helped on the morning of the event; to Retro Beans & Brew and Coffee n Crème for the supply of warm drinks; to Bryant’s Pies for providing the food; & finally, to all those in attendance on the day, for your support and generosity.
With well over 100 people present, we were thrilled with the turnout and look forward to carrying on the tradition.
Picture credit: Peter Caldow