Secretary 0408 872 832 / Client Liaison Officer 0447 220 383
Secretary 0408 872 832 / Client Liaison Officer 0447 220 383

Apply for Assistance

Apply for Assistance

    Family Details:

    Today's Date *

    Surname *

    Mother's Name *

    Father's Name *

    Child's Name *

    Child's Date of Birth *

    Full Address (Including Post Code) *

    Home Phone

    Work Phone

    Mobile Phone


    Email *

    Vehicle Registration Number *

    Medical Information:

    All information supplied is treated as confidential and will not be disclosed without your written permission.

    Doctor's Name *

    Doctor's Phone *

    Specialist's Name

    Specialist's Phone

    Hospital Name

    Hospital Phone

    I/We have private medical insurance cover

    I/We hereby give permission for Convoy For Kids Goulburn Inc. to:

    Contact our doctorContact our specialistUse our child’s name in media and promotional informationUse our child’s photograph in media and promotional information

    Attach supporting documentation e.g. supporting letter from GP/specialist

    Provide brief details of your circumstances. The type of assistance sought, and the current level of expense incurred.

    Are you currently receiving any benefits under the NDIS scheme? *

    If you answered 'Yes' to the question above, please provide details below.

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